Princess Cruise 2016

2016-princess-cruise_252_std2016-princess-cruise_001_stdWe would like to share a little of our experiences last March on the best cruise line going.

2016-princess-cruise_003_stdThe Royal Princess has a walkway that extends out around the deck so you can look down and see the the wake of the ship passing below.  Very cool!


A look inside the ship’s piazza and atrium area.

2016-princess-cruise_093_stdThis was our favorite spot – the rear of the ship was uncrowded and quiet.  Looking out the back you could see the wake of the ship as it disappeared into the horizon.

2016-princess-cruise_163_stdDebbie and I did our “Titanic” pose on a catamaran on one of our excursions.

2016-princess-cruise_148_stdBelieve it or not, that’s me letting go of the rope swing.  I was 73 at the time.  My fantastic wife and assistant photographer caught a couple of shots at the perfect time!

2016-princess-cruise_180_stdWe had a visitor while we had lunch on one of the islands.

2016-princess-cruise_215_stdSome locals playing for tips.


One of our excursions included whale watching off Dominica.

See you later with some more images of cruising.